from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
from math import log10

total_nonce_count, mining_tries = 0, 0
type_of_mining = 'Fine'

if type_of_mining == 'Rough':
	leading_zero_count = 15
	diff = '0' * leading_zero_count
	approx_nonce_count = 2**leading_zero_count
elif type_of_mining == 'Fine':
	# So we don't have to generate a float and then convert to an integer
	difficulty = 2 * 10 ** 72 + 65 * 10 ** 70
	approx_nonce_count = int(10**(256 * log10(2.0)) / difficulty)

DUMMY_ARRAY = ['Dummy', 'array']

# merkle_tree builds a Merkle tree and returns (and keeps only) the head.
# input -- leaf_data -- The data (lowest level) for the tree as an array of strings
# return -- The tree head as a single hash

def merkle_tree(leaf_data):
    next_level = []
    data = [do_hash(s) for s in leaf_data]
    while True:
        while True:
            s = data.pop(0)
            if not data:
            s += data.pop(0)
            if not data:
        if len(next_level) == 1:
        data = next_level[:]
        next_level = []

    return next_level[0]
# do_hash moves all the hash calls to a single point
# input -- s -- The string to hash
# return -- hash of s

def do_hash(s):
  return sha256(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

# course_grained_mining carries out repeated hash calculations with successive nonces until the difficulty is satisfied
# input -- s -- the string that the nonces get concatenated with
# input -- diff -- a string of zeroes that the successful hash will start with
# input -- leading_zero_count -- the length of "diff"
# input -- nonce -- the starting value for the nonce
# input -- verbose_level -- a number controlling the number of print statements which get executed
# return -- the successful nonce
def course_grained_mining(s, diff, leading_zero_count, nonce = 1, verbose_level = 1):
	global mining_tries, total_nonce_count
	mining_tries += 1
	if verbose_level > 0:
	while True:
		hsh = do_hash(s + str(nonce))
		b = bin(int('1' + str(hsh), 16))[3:]
		if b[:leading_zero_count] == diff:
			if verbose_level > 1:
				print('''Hash with correct nonce ({0:d}) is:
{1:s}'''.format(nonce, b))
			elif verbose_level > 0:
				print('Nonce = {0:d}'.format(nonce))
		nonce += 1

	total_nonce_count += nonce
	return nonce

# fine_grained_mining carries out repeated hash calculations with successive nonces until the difficulty is satisfied
# input -- s -- the string that the nonces get concatenated with
# input -- difficulty -- an integer that is the upper limit on the acceptable hash
# input -- nonce -- the starting value for the nonce
# input -- verbose_level -- a number controlling the number of print statements which get executed
# return -- the successful nonce

def fine_grained_mining(s, difficulty, nonce = 1, verbose_level = 1):
	global mining_tries, total_nonce_count
	mining_tries += 1
	if verbose_level > 0:
	while True:
		hsh = sha256((s + str(nonce)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
		i = int(str(hsh), 16)
		if i < difficulty:
			if verbose_level > 1:
				print('''Hash with correct nonce ({0:d}) is:
{1:d}'''.format(nonce, i))
			elif verbose_level > 0:
				print('Nonce = {0:d}'.format(nonce))
		nonce += 1

	total_nonce_count += nonce
	return nonce

class Block:
    # input -- previous_block -- a pointer back to the preceding block
    # input -- is_first -- true for first block, false otherwise
    # input -- data_array -- the data in the block as a string array

    def __init__(self, previous_block, is_first, data_array):
        self.previous_block = previous_block
        self.is_first = is_first
        self.data_array = data_array
        self.time_stamp ='D%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
        self.merkle = merkle_tree(data_array)
        if is_first:
			if type_of_mining == 'Rough':
				self.nonce = course_grained_mining(self.merkle + self.time_stamp, diff, leading_zero_count, verbose_level = 1)
			elif type_of_mining == 'Fine': 
				self.nonce = fine_grained_mining(self.merkle + self.time_stamp, difficulty, verbose_level = 1)
			self.nonce = 42

        self.header = self.merkle + self.time_stamp + str(self.nonce)
        if is_first:
            self.cumulative_hash_header = do_hash(self.header)
            self.cumulative_hash_header = ''
        self.next_block = None
    # reset_data_array is used to set the @cumulative_hash_header when a new block is added
    # input -- data_array -- a changed data array is input and an updated @header is calculated from the updated Merkle tree

    def reset_data_array(self, data_array):
        self.data_array = data_array
        self.merkle = merkle_tree(data_array)
        if type_of_mining == 'Rough':
			self.nonce = course_grained_mining(self.merkle + self.time_stamp, diff, leading_zero_count, verbose_level = 1)
        elif type_of_mining == 'Fine':
			self.nonce = fine_grained_mining(self.merkle + self.time_stamp, difficulty, verbose_level = 1)
        # print('Resetting nonce')
        self.header = self.merkle + self.time_stamp + str(self.nonce)
        self.cumulative_hash_header = do_hash(self.previous_block.cumulative_hash_header + self.header)

class Chain:
    def __init__(self, data_array):
        self.tail = self.chain = Block(None, True, data_array)
        self.head = Block(self.chain, False, DUMMY_ARRAY)
        self.chain.next_block = self.head
        self.master_hash = self.chain.cumulative_hash_header

    # add_block updates the chain with a new block of data
    # input -- in_data_array -- the data for the new block

    def add_block(self, in_data_array):
        self.chain = self.head
        self.head = Block(self.chain, False, DUMMY_ARRAY)
        self.chain.next_block = self.head
        self.master_hash = self.chain.cumulative_hash_header

    # tail_to_head recomputes the master hash for comparison with cumulative hash header
    # return -- a recalculated master hash
    def tail_to_head(self):
        present_block, next_block, block_array = self.tail, self.tail.next_block, []

        while present_block != self.head:
            present_block = next_block
            next_block = present_block.next_block
        a_header = ''
        for b in block_array:
            a_header = do_hash(a_header + merkle_tree(b.data_array) + b.time_stamp + str(b.nonce))
        return a_header

    # fine_grained_corruption_search walks the block-chain from tail to head looking for 1. any incompatibilites
    # between the data array and the stored merkle tree head 2. the merkle tree head, the time stamp, and the nonce,
    # compared to the stored header, and 3. the cumulative hashed header and the stored cumulative hashed header.
    # return -- either an all good or an error message

    def fine_grained_corruption_search(self):
        present_block, next_block, result = self.tail, self.tail.next_block, 'No incompatibilities found'
        hashed_header = ''
        while present_block != self.head:
            merkle = merkle_tree(present_block.data_array)
            if merkle != present_block.merkle:
                result = 'Merkle -- data incompatility'
            header = merkle + present_block.time_stamp + str(present_block.nonce)
            if header != present_block.header:
                result = 'Header incompability'
            hashed_header = do_hash(hashed_header + header)
            if hashed_header != present_block.cumulative_hash_header:
                result = 'Cumulative hashed header incompability in block beginning with "' + present_block.data_array[0] + '"' 
            present_block = next_block
            next_block = present_block.next_block
        return result
    # publish_master_hash does just that
    # return -- the header hash that insures an uncorrupted chain
    def publish_master_hash(self):
        return self.master_hash

    # integrity_check compares the master_hash with a newly minted one
    # return -- true if chain is uncorrupted, false if chain is corrupted

    def integrity_check(self):
        if self.tail_to_head() == self.master_hash:
            result = 'Chain is intact'
            result = 'Chain is corrupted'
        return result

    # to_s puts a nicely formatted chain into a string

    def to_s(self):
        present_block, next_block = self.tail, self.tail.next_block
        while present_block != self.head:
            print('{0:s} -- {1:s} -- {2:d} \n'.format(' '.join(present_block.data_array), present_block.time_stamp, present_block.nonce))
            present_block = next_block
            next_block = present_block.next_block

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if type_of_mining == 'Rough':
        print('The challenge is to find a (binary) hash with {0:d} leading zeroes.'.format(leading_zero_count))
    elif type_of_mining == 'Fine':
        print('The challenge is to find a (decimal) hash < {0:d}.'.format(difficulty))
    data = 'Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public' 
    a_chain = Chain(data.split())
    data = 'To apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offense'
    data = 'Patience: A minor form of dispair disguised as a virtue'
    data = 'War is God\'s way of teaching Americans geography'
    data = 'Happiness: An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another'
    data = 'Academy: A modern school where football is taught'
    data = 'Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me'
    print('\nThe master hash is: {0:s}'.format(a_chain.publish_master_hash()))
    print('The uncorrupted chain is, in order of insertion:\n')
    print('\nFine grained error search:')
    data = 'Fidelity: A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed'
    b = a_chain.head.previous_block.previous_block
    b.data_array = data.split()
    b.merkle = merkle_tree(b.data_array)
    if type_of_mining == 'Rough':
		b.nonce = course_grained_mining(b.merkle + b.time_stamp, diff, leading_zero_count, verbose_level = 1)
    elif type_of_mining == 'Fine': 
		b.nonce = fine_grained_mining(b.merkle + b.time_stamp, difficulty, verbose_level = 1)
    b.header = b.merkle + b.time_stamp + str(b.nonce)
    b.cumulative_hash_header = do_hash(b.previous_block.cumulative_hash_header + b.header)
    print('The corrupted chain is, in order of insertion:\n')
    print('\nFine grained error search:')
    print('\nAverage nonce count = {0:d} (Predicted = {1:d}).'.format(total_nonce_count // mining_tries, approx_nonce_count))